
enfinblue - 2008-08-16 02:52:17
Right back at you with the Xs and Os. S
swimmmy - 2008-08-16 03:39:19
Thank you so much, Fifi! I'm having a BLAST and even though my knees and legs are complaining, there is nothing I'd rather be doing. Yes, of course, pictures. Lots of them. They has been limited to my immediate surroundings so far, but with luck, my chalk will be done tomorrow and I can do back to wandering here and there and taking pictures the whole time. Enjoy your vaca! Go off the grid and don't even think about a computer, we'll all be here when you get back, wanting to know all about your trip. In the meantime, we're all wishing you well! XOXO!!!!
Anna - 2008-08-16 10:11:36
Have a great holiday, Fifi dearest xoxox
MFV - 2008-08-16 11:13:28
Have a great holiday... see you soon! XO
fling-poo - 2008-08-19 18:33:03
Enjoy your holiday and then hurry back. If there are no spicy details... make some up!! :-)

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