
Stephanie - 2008-07-16 12:48:20
I think you should write it! Oh and reading about that tomato made my mouth water. I wish I had a field. :)
swimmmy - 2008-07-16 13:21:24
Super Fifi, the protagonist!! I can see it now, tipping over all those evil forces, laughing all the while!! Your tomatoes are ready? Ours are still a couple weeks away - not enough sunlight due the neighbor's shade trees. Peppers are doing great and it looks like another bumper crop! Happy gardening! :)
Anna, - 2008-07-16 19:14:50
The Plastic Bertrand? I hope you don't mean the one from "ca plane pour moi?" Or am I completely understanding this wrong? :) Btw I'm also not behind my computer these days... From time to time it happens..

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