
swimmmy - 2008-06-07 03:52:16
No, Fifi, no real story. Believe it or not, swimmer72 (2 m's) was already taken! :)
hungryghost - 2008-06-07 05:40:27
You went to the zoo! In my city! Fancy that. I haven't gotten there yet.
Anna (mariastuart) - 2008-06-07 07:59:39
Oh the zoo! Must have been lovely!! A day ago I was on the tram to somewhere and I passed a certain place in the city. Suddenly I saw that we were passing the back of the zoo and I saw the giraffes. Silly, but I was sitting there on the tram thinking: "I saw the giraffes! Oh I love the giraffes!!!". Ahum, I think I need a visit to the zoo desperately :)
Steph - 2008-06-09 06:50:58
Fifi, That recipe sounds great. I do things like this but not quite, so I am going to do it. My mouth is watering. Well, probably because they charge you now for crappy food in A!r Canada economy super jazz plus (no meaning to ANY of these words it turns out: pass me a drink, please, even if I have to pay $6 for it), so I didn't eat any. Oh and I am exactly positioned as you are re. zoos. My dad was a veterinarian so I've always been fascinated with the job and with animals. I was pretty distressed though when I wen to I believe it was the M3lbourne zoo, because it looked like my imagined zoos of Victorian England - with tiny enclosures and little stone fences and everything. Oh, and I can't stand to see large mammals, especially sea ones in cages. When I was a kid I loved the polar bears soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much at the Toronto zoo, but now the poor - though nasty - polar bears only get my sympathy! Oh! I don't think we had seatbelts on school bussen when I was younger either. :)

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