
Stephanie - 2008-05-20 22:37:12
Honestly, it sounds like you did an awesome job. I have some vague recollection that I heard a similar version when I was just slightly older. Very reassuring. And I must say that I didn't get the birds and the bees thing until much later - very poor science teaching. You honestly are so brilliant. But oh my goodness how unsettling about the teacher's aide. Sad, actually. But that's often how things are. You know, it sounds so much easier than it is were I to tell myself that I just need to go out and "get some stuff." :) I honestly get the sense that you are a brilliant parent. Actually, I think that you are exactly the kind of parent that I would want to be, so I'm particularl biased. ;)
lumenatrix - 2008-05-21 02:24:55
Uh, yeah, I'd think going into artificial insemination was a bit advanced for the Kindergarten set. I'm all for honesty with kids, but I think your version was a little more appropriate for the experience level. A teacher told them all that? Really, he should know better,
Mel - 2008-05-24 18:05:36
re: the teacher's aide, sadly there ARE parents who don't care, or who actually think she deserves it or it's good riddance to bad rubbish. I've met more than a few. I'm glad you are the kind of parent who can't imagine parents who don't care about their children. You sound like a terrific parent. - I think we get responsible *because* the kids show up, I know I did. ;-)

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