
Stephanie - 2008-03-28 00:00:32
Aw, yeah, I believe that people who label themselves "child free" typically have some beef to share. I think that many of them (and I'm in this category, too, though I don't think I'm in the other categories with "them") are simply sad. People who are at the root sad - because for whatever reason what they learned wasn't enough to help them to get what everyone wants (love and commitment and caring) - are often on the outside angry, or frustrated, or complaining. It's just difficult to overcome the overwhelming sadness, I think, and to be honest I sometimes fear that it is never possible to overcome it. So, in other words, I'd mostly pity these people, for they are being eaten up inside.
lumenatrix - 2008-03-28 01:27:47
Amen, fifi. I don't really have a problem with kids, most of them are doing the best they know how. I do have issues with overly entitled attitudes in parents, though. As you said, it's mostly just a breakdown in common courtesy. <p>I also can't believe people are harassing a poor woman dealing with an ill child. Seriously, who is so cruel as to think that's at all appropriate?! This is a situation where if you don't agree then don't read! There is no reason at all to add your negativity to the situation, it just makes the world a less nice place to be. <p>Sometimes I just want to smack some sense into people.
ivy - 2008-03-28 16:47:44
interesting entry. has a lot for me to think about..and wondering how people perceive me when eating out and that sort of thing. that's terrible what people are saying to that woman. its funny how when you do witness a screaming child at McDonalds how suddenly you'll have some one come out of the wood work as the authority on how your kid should behave. & i can see why parents wouldn't like some one being that way.children are a handful, but i think how we interact with each other at home will help them on how to cope in public places. you know, you can tell if there is a lot of yelling going on at home if thats the way they act at school. i think it all boils down... is how we treat each other...that really counts..even if you are never know when ... your act can perhaps benefit another just by your interactions.

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