
Anna - 2008-01-29 08:10:57
I've never ate haggis before! I don't think I ever will :) But I've seen it and it didn't look bad, it even looked very good. But still, I don't think I will like it..
Anna - 2008-01-29 10:03:54
Oh no! Totally discombobulated to discover that I've already commented - except it's not me, which is a bit of a relief. I agree though - haggis looks a bit iffy. I might try it though - I'll try most things once. I came here to say I loved your sentence about digression and narrative. Love and hugs xxxx
Stephanie - 2008-01-29 19:04:31
Shockingly, I have never tried any of the aforementioned meats. When I lived in Korea though after having eating many types of mystery meat one of my hosts one day pointed at a truck passing by with various barking things in it and said, "Those are eating dogs!" Nice! is all I can say to that. :)

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