
Stephanie - 2007-10-29 23:28:33
OH Oh OH! That sounds so charming. I love the haunted walks. And gourds! Gourds are fabulous!
Miss Hiss - 2007-10-30 21:11:18
Oh, fifi, I want to see photos of the ghoul houses! Almost noone "does" Halloween in this country -- a bit of trickortreating, yes, but not much in the way of home decorating. (And besides, I live a gazillion miles away from the nearest neighbours. It's not like I can drive past their houses to check out their displays.) I have half-a-dozen life-sized windsocks of witchies and ghosties which I hang along our verandah, but that's about it. Oh, but now I feel so deprived. Sigh. (And also depraved. But hey, that's a whole nother story...) Love, R xxx

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