
Stephanie - 2007-09-23 22:01:03
Fifi, you scare me! You know too much about me! And the problem is that you've identified the exact thing that my ex-boyfriend pointed out to me as being my fatal flaw (and we're talking LARRYY here). SO the thing is that I really do have a problem with over analysis. It's a curse. I analyse my way through life. I mean, I'm an analyst by profession. But I can't help myself when not at work. I really, really do need to stop and have fun. I hope that he will see me for a third date (it was a second yesterday). And don't ever feel the need to sit on your hands--you're so *smart* and I really appreciate and value your input. It's kind of you to go to the effort.
Stephanie - 2007-09-24 23:23:28
I was just reading your entry. You really are a wonder of amusement and productivity! And I love baked sweet potatoes made into chips. Your world really does sound delightful. The fresh flowers bit reminds me so much of Mrs. Dalloway picking the flowers herself. :)
Stephanie - 2007-09-24 23:24:13
I was just reading your entry. You really are a wonder of amusement and productivity! And I love baked sweet potatoes made into chips. Your world really does sound delightful. The fresh flowers bit reminds me so much of Mrs. Dalloway picking the flowers herself. I mean in a totally random and nice way. :)

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