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10:02 a.m. - 2013-06-09
An Other....

Found another one that keeps appearing. This one is funny. Or not, depending on the sitch. Are you ready?

BALLING is not equal to BAWLING!!!!

Seriously. I read a LOT of crap, and I just noticed that apparently one of the numerous Real Housewives called up TMZ "balling hysterically" because her dog had been stolen.

Seriously? Getting laid would not have been my first option. Yes, peoples, "balling" can be another word for screwing. Bonking. Doin' the nasty. Takin' a disco nap. Gettin' a shot of pork. Procreatin'....doin' it. Humping, fewkin', knockin' boots, bumpin' get the picture.

Incidentally, I had a dream about government ordered extramarital humping last night. It was a threesome. Not very interesting, though.

Bawling, on the other hand...well, have you ever heard a heartbroken calf crying for its Mum? There is a prime example of bawling. Crying your lungs out.

That would have been a more appropriate reaction to a stolen dog, don't you think?

Well, then again, it was a Real Housewife...


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