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8:16 p.m. - 2012-01-25
Didja hear...
...that I am the Cookie Mum for the troop? I shudder for the future. It is like having my cat be in charge of driving lessons...or something...

Ned was telling me that in quantum physics, asking where the location of a particle was a really irrelevant useful as asking what the marital status of the number 5 is...

Then we all laughed and laughed...

I had my first private Pilates session last night. It was totally brill! I did indeed learn a LOT of things. I cannot wait until class tomorrow.

I have a grumpiness about a friend. They are losing themselves in another person, who is of a different socioeconomic class. Which is fine and all, but all that they do now are things like dive bars and bar fights and roadhousen and stuff. And this friend doesn't do things that they used to like to do "because Other Person doesn't enjoy that..." And they act miserable and boring all of the time. Oh well, I'll just suck it up and deal.

Otherwise I am fairly jolly. Although I admit, I could use a Fake Bailey's right about now. But someone drank it all. Hmmm, I WONDER WHO, FIFI??!!!!! But ti is just as well, as I still have tonnes to do. I've decided that I really must get the dust off from the fan blades. Oh, and where is my other shortbread mould? I swear that I had it only just a week ago. Ah well, I'll just have to make do with one. Bugger, though...

And how are you all doing?


Cavalry - Apache

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