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6:42 a.m. - 2011-10-10
List Form!
1. I seem to have lost all discipline as regards writing here or anywhere else, for that matter...

2. I am obsessed with the Farm Story game! I am saving for the farmhouse, but I have already gotten the barn. I have gotten my friend Elisabetta addicted!

3. I transplanted (moved!) the big cranberry bush yesterday. It was quite a bit if work, especially seeing as I had somehow disapparated my spady-shovely thing.

4. The reward, beside from the fact that I don't have to do it any more? I found one cranberry! Well, I am not certain, which is why I gave it to the birds. But still, encouraging.

5. The Repair Dude is coming this morning to fix the back overhang on the porch. It has been how many months? It might be that he will only seal us up for the Winter and then finish it all in the Spring of the year.

6. We were meant to have a visiting dog, but it didn't happen. We were all a bit sad about that.

7. I have a birthday party to plan and execute. Well, not to actually chop off said and aforementioned party's head, but...forch, I have a tiny bit of time on Friday to do that.

8. Lots of silly, goofy things have been happening, but I seem to have a memory like a steel sieve, so I can't write them here...

9. A recurring annoyance seems to have disappeared, and I didn't even have to do anything about it to make it happen.

10.Oh, a friend said the most unexpected ting to me. She said "You have that thing...that...I want it so's that what Miss Piggy has!!!!" She meant that I will blithely "Hi-YAH" that which annoys me. She is currently being stalked by her boyfriend's ex. Dating...bah!

Ecks Oh!


Cavalry - Apache

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