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9:15 p.m. - 2011-08-23
Wot's shakin', Babycakes?
Yes, we've had a bit of an earthquake today. I was at Orkplace and I knew immediately what was going on, so I went to find someone to comfirm, because one isn't ALWAYS correct...though that is rare...being incorrect, I mean to say...

This autocorrect is simply killing me. If something reads right off not as my usual typos, well, you know who to blame...

So, at long last here ( DYAC) is the list of Things That We Drank...that one time when we had Famous Beer Writer over.

Evan Williams 23
lap foist 18 dDYAC. That is to say Laphroig 18
Old Weller Antique
Birthday Bourbon 2004
Parkers Anniversary
Glen Farclas
Powers Johns Lane
Monkey Shoulder
Barry Crockett's Legacy
Green Spot
Old Ballantruan
Tesseron 29
Hop Ruiter ( beer, very good)
Hop in the Dark
Stump town StrawberrynTart (sucked )
Earl's porter, which was excellent...

Yes, well, at the moment, I am experiencing the results of my own poor decisions and a temporary lack of self-restraint, so I'm off...


Cavalry - Apache

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