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8:56 p.m. - 2011-04-25
Tangier...sounds exotic, does it not?
In reality, it is a very nice, good, plain, simple, restful island. Oh, it had everything...sort of. I mean, when you hear that it is where the Amish girls come to kick up their heels...well...that's fun!

It reminded me of the way North of Scotland, also, the film Gregory's Girl, some of Colonial Williamsburg, some of the film "The Village", some of Corner Brook, Newfoundland... lots of lovely places rolled up into one.

We were in just ahead of the season opening, so there was one place to eat open, but it was perfect for Biba, actually for all of us, as it had good plain food.

In fact, Biba learned to ride her big new bicycle there within two hours of landing.

Here is the big water tower. You'll see a lot of it...

There are shell everywhere. Piles here and there, and sometimes in artful array.

This is an in town view. Out of town is not far...The church spire is of the Methodist church, and we were fortunate enough to see the children's pageant there on Palm Sunday. I did not take pics inside the church because I did not know if it would offend.

Space is limited at best, so many times you will see a family burying ground right in the garden.

This is down by where we came in on the ferry. There are little crab shops, sort of but you don't go buy from them. The "streets" between are actually water. The watermen come in in the afternoon and offload.

Here are some of the manly watermen.

Those round basketlike things are where they put the crabs and then I am not exactly certain of what goes on. Moulting? Clearly, I need more education.

Here is the tower again. A cross on one side, a crab on the other.

Burying grounds. This one is more green. I didn't actually see if it was older or not...

This one looked older to me.

This is out behind the museum. The house is the biggest on the island.

At the end of the nature walk back behind the museum, there are kayaks and canoes that you can just use. No charge. Just obey the safety rules, if you please.

Cute birdhousen back there!

This is a real street. There are no cars there, except for the police and a few pickup trucks. Golf carts are the Way to Go. Although I prefer the bicycle.

Here are some carts on their platform, so that they don't sink in to the ground. They are charging. Oh, but look, it is only one cart...

Here is a nice sunset. That strip is the airport. Two small planes used it while we were there. Military aircraft are seen in the sky. It looks as if they doing manoeuvers. Cats! How do you spell that? Eh, looks about right...

Just look at this lovely bicycle! Could it be my Eloise? Why yes indeed!

A bonnie wee house. Lots of them there...

Here is a cat that likes to climb. We called her "Squirrel"...

Here is a sunrise. I really like how the housen huddle down and the tower looks over them all.

But all things come to a close, even a holiday. We took the mail boat back to the mainland.

It really was a lovely holiday, quite relaxing. If you want a really restful holiday, well, we'll see you there! We'll deffo go again, but I suspect when more things are open.


Cavalry - Apache

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