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11:34 p.m. - 2010-10-20
I have things to write...
...but I end up forgetting them before I get them written down.

Seisiun was brill, and I am veree glad that I went. Got some good bonding with friends done. I love this drum of mine! I really especially love it since I have the memories of walking into that shop in Dublin, finding it, and realising that it was all that I was looking for in a bodhran. Also being taped, (The drum is taped, I mean to say)I was doing something different. I was telling Elzie that I was doing everything differently this year. It has been rewarding for the most part. OH! And I tried out some new tippers. The ends are weighted, and I think that they are just the smallest bit unequal, which makes for some really fun technique, but I am deffo using different muscles in my forearm. I could deffo feel it. Elzie felt it in her bicep as well, but she was really whaling on her drum tonight.

Ned is laid low by a stomach flu. I am sorry when he is not feeling well. But I do hold back and don't smother him, because that doesn't really work out very well all around! I myself took a two-hour nap before the seisiun. Unlike me for a weeknight, but it was a grand thing!

Today's lunch took over three hours! Forch, the food was good hangover food, if I do say so myself.

I have decided to get a better outward-looking attitude. I can only brood for so long, then I bore myself.! I was walking home looking in all of the shop windows. Looking in the gallery windows at all of the different types of art made me realise how much that art relaxes me.

I do feel as if I am frantically trying to catch up with my life but I have a confidence that I will get everything all under control. I feel as if I were a Border Collie trying to herd rookie ducks. Yap yap yap! But everyone learns, and then order and peace come to the forefront.

I am thinking of a teeny tiny, but meaningful music project that I would like to do. I will be expanding my horizons and knowledge base whilst simultaneously uhh...doing something that I have forgetten already. I have to get to ned! Yikes!


Cavalry - Apache

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