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9:48 p.m. - 2010-08-02
Where were we, now? Oh, yes, prostitution...
I have realised that I am repeating a bad habit. I am running and running and running on fumes, and so I have a low-level feeling of panic and my communication is horrible at best. I couldn't even get to chat with my Nia instructor because I was trying to do several other things at once.

I really ought to say right now that I have been mean to comment much betterly on your journals. I can't seem to get worthwhile words out, and I feel terrible about it. I deffo love to read all of your journals and when I get my head out of my bum, I'll comment in a more intelligent way.

I do see that I am trying to cram too much into too small of a space. many papers have I read on that, and I know full well that multitasking leads to shoddy results. seems I am due for a Makeover of the Soul. I need to sort priorities and cut out drama. Well, I'd say that I do have less drama than average---if I were a teen-aged girl!!!!

I missed Mr. Dog's rabies appointment. FOr his vaccination booster. I feel bad about it but really I can reschedule. I think that Ned is right, I do have impossibly high standards for myself. Perhaps a dose of reality. Though I did sit on the deck, listening to the night sounds this evening.

Perhaps there has been Too Much Party. It seems that there is a party every night. Fun and all, but just possibly that is not the way that I am meant to live.

Do you know, I think that I shall schedule Wednesday night as a Get to Bed Early night! It seem rahther a grand idea at the moment.

Well, enough philosophy, or as close as I get to it. I am not in bed right now because I discovered that I had left laundry in the machines SINCE SATURDAY!!! I launched into rescue mode, though.

And today's Ork went well. I shall be a number cruncher (hee hee hee, it sounds as if I am eating the numbers!) tomorrow, though. AND I think that I shall work on consciously changing the pace of my life and living my life with intention. I mean, I know how to do it but I get sucked in by past patterns. Well, every new day is a new start and a new chance to make something wonderful!

Ecks Oh!

Oh, Pee Ess I am reading Hiaason's Star Island. Earl is letting me read it first. It's brill! Great fun!


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