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9:26 p.m. - 2010-04-20
Am I calmer? Or just clamer?
Thank you all for all of your comments. I can't tell you all how much that they have helped.

I have worked through the majority of my whatevers today. I am still contemptuously disgusted with SIL, but I did get a bit of advice about what to say if I simply must say something. She likes to pretend that she is Southern (USA south) and talks in a teeny tiny voice really slow and irritatingly, actually, it seems that she actually IS that stupid, come to think of it, SO, I just have to say "Bless your heart" in a certain way with a certain smile and she will know EXACTLY how little I think of her...I don't come from a family of actors for nothing. I can wither with the best of Southerners now.

SO the positives are, well, a mini hol, service? Bourbon shopping, and time with the in laws. They are most likely mortified. I do love them, and that is why we will attend this...event. Most likely she is pregnant again. I might mention to her that it is actually all right to get married WITHOUT being pregnant. Negatives are, well, you know, and also although technically it is impossible, I get altitude sickness, although the place where we'll stay one night is at less than 4000 feet and altitude sickness doesn't even start until 8000 feet so I am told. I just know that the uncurable headache, nausea and dizziness are not fun.

So next year we will have the big party on the correct day. After all, last year we had it on the day after, and the world is still spinning, as nearly as I can tell. Bluey found an article on the reason for all of the earthquakes as of late! You know, speaking of earth related things.

I'll write more of Ireland and find the pics that Ned got small enough to upload and all of that. When I am calmer. Or clamer.


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