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2:21 p.m. - 2009-11-25
SO much fun!!!!!!
I got to the farm a bit later than the start time but I cut lettuce and pulled turnips. It was really nice, all misty and rainy, but not cold. I am glad that I brought my own tools, though. There was actually one smug, obnoxious, self-righteous fool who volunteers for a crooked organisation. She has no idea. She is full of newcomer's zeal. Bah!

The farm owner gave me her home number so that I can get eggs over the winter. She is really nice. She used to give me free flowers at the end of the market day.

At any rate, it was so much fun! And so nice to be grubbling in the earth. I have soil-rimmed fingernails. I got most of it out, but some remains.

Biba and I did our quick errands. I had planned some larger-scale ones but then I remembered what day it was and what not to do, so we stayed veree local, yet managed to get what we needed done.

I am thinking of a quick nap, but I don't know how practical that will be. I have yet to make pumpkin tarts and also I have a slow-cooking dinner in the cooker/oven. Somehow, that just doesn't seem compatible with nodding off...


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