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10:57 p.m. - 2009-09-05
We went canoe-ing in the Pine Barrens today, the three of us. We left the house only 30 minutes past when I had wanted so that made it all the better. I hadn't been in South Jersey in a while, and it has really changed. I think that the recession has really done a number on it. I'd say that nearly 30% of businesses were empty and to let. (Sometimes I really miss the "a louer" et "a vendre" signs...)

At any rate this was a brill idea because you can get dropped in and only paddle downstream. Which we did. The currents were very rapidly changing in speed, and the depth, while nearly always shallow, could change in an instant. Like when it was neck deep. How did I know? Because that's where I touched bottom when we tipped over. I deffo got the front of the canoe through (it was a narrow pass with a fast current around a curve) but then we hit a big log and over we went. And bonehead me, I had not locked back up the camera, and we fried it. Live an learn. We're going back next Saturday because it was so much fun! Not much wildlife, though. Pee Ess Mel, it was a very responsible tipping over, though! And we always wear PFDs.

Oh cats, look at my knee and leg. All banged up and bruising. No wonder that it felt sore...

EXCEPT for the Completely Stupid Mow-rons. People would look directly at us coming toward passing where they were about to put in, and---they'd put in right in front of us! (Could they no ha' waited half a minute?!) Forch, Ned and I are deffo good at dodging and weaving. And there were the Drunk Tubers. They floated down in a logjam of inner tubes, drunk past belief. It was just mindboggling at how inconsiderate and absolutely boneheaded some people could be. Yet the people that the urbanites sneer at and call "rednecks" were invariably polite and friendly. And river wise. Ah well, we are all human...

But it was so much fun! I kept saying "bone water" to Ned and laughing. It is because there is a product that is called Bone Water (let me see if I can find it, wait a tic) yes,

here it is

And isn't that bottle shaped perfectly to freeze water inside to use as a cold pack. Or chilly bin ice? So we had two of them along and apparently I am a fourteen year-old boy, because "bone water" huhhuhhuh was just the funniest thing everrrrr. Only sporadically, though.

Makes you glad that I am not your sister, eh?


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