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5:37 p.m. - 2009-06-03
All of us...
...are functioning well. I think that I am completely better. I picked a pint of peas today (with a knick-knack, paddy whack, pickapintapeas) and three quarts of strawberries. I brought a quart in to Orkplace to share but no one wanted any. Can you imagine! Speaking of Orkplace, there is a rumour that it will give a pair of Docs to everyone. Really, how do these things get started?

SO, mother trauma is making me irrational. I worry over situations that will never happen. I feel super-hyper over responsible, and I worry that I will become overprotecteve. All right even more overprotective. I worry that I will lead Biba in to situations of danger. I know, I am worrying about the flight to Dublin, which isn't even soon, but I think that the Air France thing just magnifies things. Grrr. Bluey has it right, though.

Still, I have been feeling remarkably better. I do wish that I'd settle down and give myself some slacking off time

Oh, speaking of slacking off, I am seriously considering a scythe to mow the meadow. Yes, the back garden is quite overgrown. It's been awfy rainy, though, so I have a feeble excuse. I was looking at the pansy basket that has aphids, but there are no more aphids. There are ladybugs! That is what they are called here. I just learned that they eat mass quantities of aphids.

To conclude, I found some fun long cargo shorts in the closet. They must be mine, but I don't exactly remember buying them. They had the tags on yet, so they must be mine. I'm wearing them, so...oh yes, and Anna, that was just a lovely poem! And congratulations to Rosie on her weight loss. I am quite a fat acceptance proponent (did I use that word right?) as I have many friends who struggle with weight issues, but I also applaud anyone's personal satisfaction projects. And I am always for health improvements. But really, happiness projects are so essential.

So, good!


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