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2:22 p.m. - 2009-04-08
You know what they say...
...things never turn out the way that one expects. Well all right, but it is something like that at any rate.

So. You know how I was supposed to be up in the air right now? (I even had my antihistamines at the ready!) I am not. I am not doing that particular trip. I had to get a filler-of-in for me.

A family member has died. It was not unexpected, but it was not expected, if you know what I mean. I never expect it even when I know full well. This was on Ned's side of the family. He has gone to be there but Biba and I remain here. I cried all of the way to Orkplace today because I already miss Ned so much. So much that it feels as if it actually hurts. I got some ends tied up at Orkplace and then left. Because I am not going to be functioning really totally well. Forch, my family is flying in not only for Easter, but to come early to help out. Sigh. Gusty sigh. Ah, that was better.

Well, on the good news front, the tests that I did not tell you all about came back and I do not have cancer. Yay-hooray! (However, I shall deffo have to find a replacement worry. Oh, I know, got one!) So yes, this does come as a relief. I was going to forbid everyone to call it "cancer" with the American accent, but insist on something more like "CANNNNNnnn-suh", which is hard to write phoenetically because of a bit of an "h" affecting the "a" but only by half. Like a cross between a Surrey and a Dublin accent.

SO I fear that I shall be useless, but I shall indeed be here. Forch, ABSO forch, we did not have to give up the Spring hols. We are heading to Saudades Land, but not in her part of it. I think. We are excited to go.

Speaking of that, I'm off for now.

Eckses and Ohs to you alllll!


Cavalry - Apache

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