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8:42 p.m. - 2009-03-24
Wowee kazowee!
I made it through a day filled with meetings and then the dentist. I really actually like him, though. He is the second best dentist that I ever knew. The best was in the place where I came from and my Mum was always trying to get me to marry him. Really, Mum! At any rate Dentist of Now likes to talk about the biz whilst cleaning. Makes for some stop and go, but I always end up learning something new. Oh, and nothing was needed beyond a cleaning, and barely that. My teeth have been squeaky clean lately, which I find somewhat disturbing. Ought they to squeak like that? Must have been the all natural dentifrice.

SO, cats and kittens, the veree oddest thing. I have been off drinking. Haven't even had a sip for two days and barely that for the few days before. I think that one ought to listen to one's body, but this is just ridiculous!

Oh speaking of ridiculous, although now that I think it over it is really quite sad, a woman was going on and on about a form letter that was of course complimentary, as all of the recipients had paid a sum of money. She went on and on as if it were personally about her. Actually that is quite sad, isn't it. I hope that she can get to a place of personal validation so that she doesn't have to be so proud of being so impossible, irrational and unpleasant. I don't have to interact with her very often, but if I did, would I be able to be compassionate? It is so easy to be compassionate to those that we love. I think that I ought to try harder with those that I feel I don't love.

Everybody ought to feel special, every day!

We are having guests this weekend. They are coming down from the Way North to us, then we all head back up North for a big party. The hostess is rahther a Bossy Boots, but my kind sister has good things to say of her. I wonder what I ought to bring. I know, how about some knock-out pills for myself! (See, now how shall I ever get to be compassionate with an attitude like that!?) Oh, I know, I'll bring butter tarts. The guest of honor loves them, although he knows them as Canadian tarts. Yums!

Well, off I go then.


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