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9:10 p.m. - 2009-02-07
You are all awesome!
Thank you all for your words of wisdom. I feel as if I'd done a full-body whinge and you are all very understanding! Thank you again!

I wonder, do these ruts come from a lack of attention? Only think of it, I'd have done a brilliant entry about the snow the other day and how when I drove down the little unpaved road and looked ahead, behold! The fox was lalloping across a field! I really appreciated seeing Mr. or Ms. Fox because there was built a ferociously ugly house on half of that field. It was a field where the fox used to hunt and also where the Northern Harrier used to hunt as well. And also there were many a fawn in the Spring of the year hiding in safety whilst their mothers grazed. However, I did take some pictures and there is a small chance that will actually download them and then, as Swimmmy says, there are many entries right there.


Nothing like getting one's passport photos to make one feel as if one had been soundly beaten with the Ugly Stick. Except for Ned, he always photographs well. Of course then, he is very good looking, unlike moi-meme. I fall in the category of "interesting looking" on a good day. It's all fine, though, I've learnt to live with it. It was a sort of down-to-the-wire thing, though, getting the renewals, if I am to get all my travel requirements done. A lot of it is Ork related, but there is a pleasure trip coming up. Ohh, that sounded bad if you read it wrong!

So today was another real perspective giver. We went to a party this afternoon. 'Twas early not because of children but because many of the guests had to leave for gigs. I think that there was only one band there that was touring (but in hiatus) but there were members from a few other formerly big bands. And you know, even though the tours and the attention aren't there any more, the music still is. It is still there and the people are still really good, wonderful people. And so what, we all get older if we are lucky. So what if we don't look as fresh and young as we did. So what if things become harder to do that once came easily? The people, the souls are still there. We are so lucky to know such wonderful people. And they are all beautiful to me. As I read this over, clearly, aging has been on my mind...

There is a lot more I'd like to write about but I am knackered. But it was a really fun party. Also, there was a composting toilet. I really have to read up on those. I've read about them in all my back-to-the-land journals that I read. But because of the party being early and much delicious food there, we had a topsy-turvy night and had cocktail hour when we got home.

Now, I think it's time for ned.


Cavalry - Apache

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