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9:23 p.m. - 2009-01-06
Been ages...
I was meant to update a few times but I am all tied up with the business of Everything New. Forch, I haven't forgetten to write "2009" on things. Lots of paperwork, registrations, etc. Plus I really, really did get used to adequate sleep and I find myself continuing the trend.

I once read of a bunch of people that actually hibernated during the winter. I can't recall, was it is in the Swiss mountains or where? At any rate they'd all just hunker down in a pile and sleep with each taking turns to mind the fire. Apparently it was the most efficient use of resources.

Once I read that the Christmas feasting was a last grand "What the hell" because they really never were certain of making it through the Winter. When I read that, I was in tears. It makes me feel weepy yet.

Well, that was really off the track, wasn't it. I was going to tell of Mr. Dog and his vet visit. I was reminded that sudden acute lameness could signal Lyme disease. But he turned up negative. And he's getting range-of-motion back. He was so cute there, though.

I've made a grand stew from leftovers, and a not-so-grand-but-it-will-do from other leftovers. That was tonight's. It was uninspired, but with the addition of a condiment or two, it ought to pass quite well for lunch.

Today I told a friend to shut his gob, but in nicer terms. I just simply cannot deal with the constant negativity and self-pity, all (of course) without the slightest remedial action. I just said when he started up "No. Just no. I cannot do this, not now. Maybe later, but just no. No." Eloquent little fucker, aren't I? Felt good, though. Perhaps some good will come of it.

Oh, and on Sunday, for apero, we drank Scofflaws.


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