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5:50 p.m. - 2008-03-21
Hallo, I'm halfway drubnk! Tune in later!
I must say, I am really enjoying those boxes on the right where you can see who has posted. I deffo am reading some interesting diaries but of course you, my dear ones, are my fav-o-riffic ones!

It is so interesting that one can read the thoughts of others. Perhaps form an opinion. Perhaps fall for an elaborate web of lies. Who knows? I do so love to read about the daily in-and-outs of others. Oh, that sounded like porn, didn't it?

Speaking of that, did you know that if you lose some weight, purely by accident, but you don't lose anything in your Upper Frontal Fun Units, you go down a band size but UP a cup size! Can you imagine! I think that you all know how mortified I am by my...things...well, now I have an even odder (hah! even, odd!) size. But I have found, so at least there are Useful Objects that don't look like what your Granny's nanny would have worn. That is all of that.

Two grammatical oddities before I go. Ned says "than what" and I say "like how". Strange.


Listening to : I have the Strawberry Shortcake theme lodged firmly in my brain.

Thinking : Of sex, as usual...

Overheard : "Are crack whores anything BUT nasty?"

Cavalry - Apache

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