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6:49 a.m. - 2008-03-11
Today's list, not actually a cop-out but rahther a cop-to, you might say.

Celebrity crushes. I won't say which of these are actually friends, but I will say that when I say crush,it's a healthy, married person's crush!

1. Rodney A. Grant

2. Eddie Spears

3. His brother Michael

4 Colin Farrell

5. Viggo Mortenson

6. James Keelaghan

7. Bob , Alan and Sean

8. Jake Gylenhaal

9. Jimi Jameson

10. Val Kilmer? Sort of?

11. Harry Morton? The younger one... you can tell how strong THAT one is!

12. Ryan Gosling, but only when he weighs more.

13 Joaquin Phoenix, how could I forget him?!

14. Adrian Brody

Eh, I'm starting to dig here. I could go equal opportunity and say Leigh Nash and Ronny Howard's daughter as well. What other girls? Hmmmm...

But now I am starving, so it's off to forage.


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