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5:28 p.m. - 2008-01-11
Dawn breaks?
Revelation! I was thinking about how stupid Homer's idiot wife is. Shall we just abbrev. (hee!) to HIW? But I was thinking that I cannot change her nor the things that she does. I can change my reactions to her though. Then I decided to see if I could change my entire perspective. So I looked up Rotten Bastard Neighbour etc. on google and I read the sites, OH! My sweet white fatties! (I just learned that expression for one's bum!) My neighbours now look like gifts from Heaven! Who knew that there were such horrid people in the world? I do admit, I live a rarified life, but I was not prepared to be so schocked! But I am still starting procedures to have their car towed as an abandoned vehicle!


Cavalry - Apache

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