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11:30 p.m. - 2007-10-13
I did it!
I did the thing! And it was fuuuunnn! And very inspiring. Definitely re-ass-kicks my drive for songwriting. I'll tell you later what it was.

Don't you haaate when people do that?

But Baz, poor, poor Baz. He is despondent. Despondant? Suspondu. At any rate, he is the one with the collapsed marriage, but neither of them is willing to pay the money to divorce. But he is sad because he didn't know that it was failing. He had hope, but now he doesn't and also he's lost trust. For that part, I have sympathy, but for the money part as to how he doesn't want to part with any of it, I say "Go blow yourelf!" HA HAAAA! I had to leave that typo there! Go blow your elf indeed! Of course you know that it was meant to be "go blow yourself!" That shouldn't even be a consideration, the money. Ned totally laughed about the quaint little phrase that I used. Tonight he and Biba went to a symphony, but Biba didn't last through the whole thing. We really need to sign up for a children's series. That's what I had, and so shall she!

What else? Tomorrow I believe that I shall decimate the cosmos and make a huge bouquet. Flower cosmos, not Universe cosmos. That would be rahther odd.

Biba and I went to a pumpkin festival at a big farm that is also a game bird grower. Might explain the plethora of dead pheasants in the highway nearby...She of course had to get right into the bouncy castle and then I think was the hay-bale maze. Corn ( "my people call it maize") would have been too big and scary for the wee ones. Then a pony ride and then a hay ride to the pumpkin fields. If you want life and death drama, you'll find it all right in a pumpkin patch. The ride was truly delicious! Really long, though farms and just a beautiful sky today. Big puffy clouds and a blue, blue sky. Then Biba picked a pumpkin---we need only 19 more! and then it was back to the main hub of activity. We had lunch there and Biba did quite well, actually. Sometimes she becomes what they call "picky" which causes much eye-rolling on my part. Then we ran errands and chilled for a bit before we all went out.

Tomorrow is a big day. So I actually ought to be sleeping. So I'm off. Soonishly.


Cavalry - Apache

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