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6:26 a.m. - 2007-07-03
Confession time!
I think that perhaps I have been reading the confession sites (truemom, truedad, trueoffice, truebride, truewife and her bad basement) rahther too much. A chore even just typing them all out. They leave me feeling sort of grimy and low class. Some of the things that people will write about! I am of the opinion that when a truedad-er writes "My girl loves anal and gives me bjs every night" that I am reading the actual true confession "I am a liar and a wanker who wishes that he has even had contact with a woman but I am too afraid of them. Oh, and I am extremely low class---note the use of 'my girl' and talk of anal, won't you!" Ugh! I am rahther what you might call a Disney girl here in the states (oooh, nice sentence inversion!) and the things that people brag about doing...oh my, hadn't they ought to just stop speaking? On truemom there are so many lonely bitter women. There are a lot of jolly mums, though, and there are funny people on all sites, but still, I do rahther think that I could be doing something much more constructive with my time. It's a new habit, so it oughtn't be hard to break. I hope!


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