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6:24 a.m. - 2007-07-02
Freezing my WHAT off??!!
It's positively chilly! Never say that Canada is only good for music---it sends us lots and lots of lovely cold air! Actually I am more than a bit of a Canadaphile myself. Is that a word, Canadaphile? I lived for a small time near the border, plus all that time in Nova Scotia. I was hooked even before my first poutine!

Not a big week coming up at all, nice to say. We've a huge dinner thingy tomorrow, but I do think that I can live through it! I hope that it will be more low-key than the last one.

Oooh, I really do think that my mind has gone blank. Note to hissandtell, UPDATE! Or at least write me a note. I MIIIIISSSS you! Oh, yes, erm, please, that is.

Anyone at all interested in the Kate /Wills thing. Are they ? Aren't they?

Ned's up. I told him the temperature. 53 degrees F. He said "Like Maine..." in a very sleepy voice. Some days I wish that we were able to just hang out here all togther more. There will be a time. Then, I'll wish for more alone time, no doubt!


Cavalry - Apache

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