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6:32 a.m. - 2007-05-02
Got any gum?
I should indeed be hung over, but oddly, am not. Flood Survivors are excellent, but I think that you'd have to be in the mood. Absolut Pears, pomegranite liqueur, splash of ginger ale (I'm not certain if it's exactly the same as ginger beer---that, mixed with Red Stripe is grand on a hot, hot day) and a splash of sour mix. Served chilled, in a martini glass, with a garnish of lime on the rim. ( Huhhuhhuh...I said "rim"...Ned had River Jewels (huhhuhhuh, I said "jewels"), which were essentially White Ladies. Then he switched to Murphy's. We went to my fav-o-riffic place which is Martine's. It used to be in this little former salt house, but moved to the dearest little building right on the river, as opposed to a meter or two from it. I loove being there on a Summer day, drinking whiskey and eating mussels, madly people-watching as well.

I made up a rather exellent word last night, but as I was drunk, I have forgetten it already. But it really was excellent. I hope. I was going to write more, but I am truly starving to death, so in order to stave that all off, I shall leave you, to go forage through the kitchen.


Listening to : I have an old song called "Laughter in the Rain" running through my head.

Thinking : I'm not just hungry--I'm HOOOOOONGRY!!!

Overheard : "This is great! It tastes like babies! Well, baby powder."

Cavalry - Apache

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