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7:08 a.m. - 2007-04-11
Another merrie morninge
Eh, should I add an entry or not? I think yes.

Ned is still alive (Yay!) but I am fairly certain that he will be here today. Now, were I in his shoes, I'd suck it up and go get primer and paint and do the book case. (Oooh, he just coughed---that didn't sound good. Could he actually have the 'flu?) Anyway, a man would say that that would be counter productive to getting well. Whereas watching movies all day would be just the ticket to better health! There is yet another fundamental difference highlighted.

Geh, now I hear Biba coughing. And I am not even certain of whether she is awake. Looks like Ned is in the schwer, though. A good sign. I still haven't walked Spot the Wonder Dog.

My take-home lesson is that these days it would seem futile to have any expectations whatsoever. So I shall just cruise along, like a sporty red car running merrily on three cylinders, swearing gently under my breath, and just hope for the best whilst expecting the worst.


Listening to : Tempest. You ought to give them a whirl!

Thinking : Work is the way.

Overheard : " I was flying about 4 feet off the ground, for like 20 feet!"

Cavalry - Apache

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