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8:52 p.m. - 2007-03-26
More things about me, Me, ME!
WHAT a day! But I am so grateful. Ned just went upstairs, so his Mum and I can sit and gossip about him, well, if there were anything that was juicy enough. He's been a real trouper.

Now where were we? I think at #41. For someone who is so self-absorbed, this is getting to be quite a pill of a project!

41. I can make a huge mess and just walk away and never look back.

42. I do not always like to be responsible, but for the most part I am.

43. I have no problem admitting when I am wring. Oh, sorry, that's...wrong.

44. I have no problem saying "I'm sorry".

45. I don't believe in keeping score.

46. I believe in God. The Trinity, to be more specific.

47. That makes me no more comfortable with my mortality. I think. Maybe I'm wrong there.

48. I've not yet been to Africa. Nor Japan.

49. I find Angelina Jolie to be a despicable sort.

50. I love, Love, LOVE words!!!

51. I adore entertaining.

52. I am still quite the party girl.

53. I am better at cookery than baking.

54. I make a mean cherry bakewell, though! And fern tarts as well.

55. I have a carefuly crafted social persona which is of someone who is careless, shallow, and rather self-absorbed.

56. I'd hate for anyone to know just how ruthless I can be.

57. I was dumped once in my life. Fortunately I wasn't paying attention.

58. I do think that men get a raw deal sometimes, yet I feel that most have never felt like a second class citizen. Ever.

59. I believe that most of the population in developed countries have the sixth sense. This sense is called Entitlement.

60. BAH! (Incidentally, I think I may say that rahther too much.)

61. I tend to ignore society's demands.

62. I feel that society is too superficial. But not as superficial as I.

63. But I do not ignore my civic and global responsibilities. (Don't tell anyone, though...)

64. I seem to be far less materialistic than I had thought.

65. I do love to travel although I am simply horrible at flying.

66. I love camping, in tents!

67. I was surprised how quickly I felt as if I belonged when I moved to this latest place. I try not to take it for granted.

68. I think most of us could be more creative with our language and our ideas.

69. I do not fit in very well with the typical American lifestyle. It doesn't bother me, though.

70. I find myself becoming more open-minded as I get older. This surprises me mightily.

Well, that was quite a go. Only what, 30 more? Soonishly.


Cavalry - Apache

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