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12:03 p.m. - 2010-03-07 overhang...
...quite a big one in fact. SO big that even a hair o' the dog didn't help. At least it hasn't yet. I had a half-measure of Paddy's. You know and I did hydrate well last night and took aspirins, I think. I'll be that that was the step that I missed. Crumbs...

Biba is off at a play date. I let her take the day off from church because I had a wee need for rest. Actually Ned stayed after his part of last night's gig was over, stayed to sing and play and have a good time, so he will be needing nappage as soon as he gets back.

In roughly two hours I will pick up Biba and we will head off to the toy store. She is quite desperate for the Tiniest Pet Shop, and she has been working diligently for a week to earn them. Plus as well, I have to buy a booster seat for Ireland. Anyone know if car rentals in Ireland have them to lease? rent? Whatever the word is... Let? Also does anyone know if booster seats are required in planes? (Well, the Plane of Oblivion, perhaps...) Actually, I could just call up and find out, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

I had a dream that I was going to a doctor for plastic surgery (?!WTF?!) and he looked like Kelsey Grammer and was really mean and belittling and possessive, like a bad husband. So apparently I switched to another doctor who looked like that dude who rode the bomb down yelling "ya-hoo!" in that old film, (seriously, he I dreamed in black-and-white!)and he was nice but indiscreet and possessive so it turns out that the two doctors were competing with each other be my lover. But I didn't WANT a lover!! The mean one became nice, rahther TOO nice, scary nice, and thankfully I woke up.

But with an overhang.


Cavalry - Apache

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