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10:47 p.m. - 2008-09-18
Ugh, ugh, ugh...
I am totally sick-as-a-dog...(Incidentally, Spot is sick-as-a-human, as well!)

I actually had to leave Orkplace this morning. I wonder, is it because Biba has brought home a whole new crop of germs? I had forgetten of what this was like. Oh well, roll with the punches, as they say.

So. I did something totally unlike me. I refrained from writing a terribly true but potentially hurtful comment about my fav-o-riffic trainwreck on another person's comments. Lo and behold, Trainwreck was a commentor soon after. Yay me.

This is the third time that I've started this paragraph. I keep trying to write objectively why Trainwreck irks me so. But I don't like to be a trash-talker. (Loove that term!) I keep reading Trainwreck because I simply cannot believe that someone could exist who is so delusional. But why should I feel that I can judge her? I could always take refuge in the "I'm just expressing an opinion" cop-out, but that is just weak. Plus, I do have the choice of not reading. Do any of you have a Trainwreck ( beside from me) that you simply cannot turn away from, the horrified fascination is that strong? Eh, you are all probably way past all that K-R-A-A-P.

Well, I suppose that is the best that I can do there. I can feel all sorts of inspirational sayings coming in and resonating through my conciousness now. Like "You can do better things with your own life than to dwell on the percieved shortfallings of others." And one of my absolutely fav-o-riffic ones "Physician, heal thyself!" I simply adore that one!! I remember when I had worked out what it meant. So elegantly simple, so pithy, so ironically to-the-unexpected-point. It embarrasses me that I can feel so uncharitable about someone, no matter how loathsome she is.

Well, what shall I ramble on about?


is where I often walk with this little fuzzbucket.

I have to concentrate on getting a better picture of him. But now, I really ought to get some rest. I hope that my fever breaks soon, it makes me feel so odd!


Cavalry - Apache

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