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7:45 p.m. - 2008-06-16
Pant pant pant
SO! Stair-gasping! I ran up all 15 flights at once last night! I was awfy surprised! When I got to ten, I thought perhaps eleven would be all right to stop for a rest, but then I was done with twelve and half of thirteen before I knew it and at that point I was all "Oh, bugger, may as well do the lot" and there I was at the top puffing like a locomotive. And I do know what they sound like as we have one of those (steam powered) across the river. Plus in Amish Country there are at least a few...

We've had cooling winds sweep in this afternoon, blowing away the humidity. Biba, Spot and I were out in the big wind, but the storm seems to have passed us by. Hmm, hail might have been interesting, though. We've had that three times since we've lived here in this house.

Right now I am reading another Terry Prachett--Maskerade. I do love the witches. I feel I'd make a good Nanny Ogg. I am also reading "The Canon" or is it just "Canon" alone. What I think, though, is that Biba and I shall both turn in early or on time at the very least.

Oh, Pee Ess, no alcohol again. WHAT is the MATTER with me??!!!


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