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6:38 a.m. - 2007-11-30
Last Day, Hip Hip Hooray!
Wel, I did like being in NaBloPoMo, although I did not really interact much. Nor did I read much. AL-so, I tend to post every day for no particular reason anyway. But still, I simply adore Mrs. Kennedy, and also I think that the randomiser will most likely still be up, so that will still be fun. Je croix. J'espere. If I ever get the time.

Yes, well, thank you, I do realise that I have got no problems whatsoever. I was wretched yesterday and then I kept running in to people with Real Actual Problems. Two of the nicest women you'd meet are undergoing acrimonious divorces. You'd never guess. Another has a failing and verreee stubborn father. Another has crushed dreams. Still she stays where she is. I still don't understand that. A woman stays with a man that she knows that she will never marry even though that is exactly what she wants. She feels that it is too late to find a different man to marry and start a family. I'd rahther take the hard road then sit in comfortable security. That's just me, though.

Chicken pie for breakfast! MMMmmmm! And three spoonfuls of ice cream for dessert. Tonight I shall be making a Meyer Lemon tarte. Enfin. Well, it's been busy. I think that I shall buy some extremely delicious chocolate chips and make chocolate-chip pumpkin bread as well. You never want to have to be scrounging for something delicious to eat! That's where the eating too much can come in, when you run in to all sorts of lovely things but you don't know exactly what you want. Better to have a Plan. I do like Steph's idea of the cheese plate dessert right about now. Except that I have already had the ice cream. I have loads of lovely cheese at the moment. I am going to have quesadillas tonight. I have already planned my order. THEN, when I get home, the baking.

I have got to do stocking stuffers for some people. I was thinking of Sephora gift cards for the women and Williams Sonoma or Whole Foods cards for the men. I do hope that isn't being obtuse. Perhaps one of those manly toy stores like Brookstone for the men...


Cavalry - Apache

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