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7:27 p.m. - 2007-04-15
There is no drought
Guess who is drunk right now? Me!
Guess Why? There are DUCKS in the back garden!
Guess why there are ducks back there? Because the back garden is FLOODING!!
Guess who does not handle flooding very well? ME!
Guess who decided that La Famille would be less stressed if I were not Border Collie-ing the weather? See the above and forementioned!
Guess how I get beyond Border Collie-ing? You guessed it! (Los Vascos, in this case...)

I am currently festooned with thee most gorgeous Easter stickers. When I woke up from my nap they were there. I don't know where I have been, but I must have been good!! The water situation is pretty much the ground water. I think that that sucker spitter thing in the cellar will handle it. The flooding always surprises me. To get all Joan Didion on you, I feel as if it was the fact that we bought here that started back up the flooding. It hadn't flooded in nearly 50 years. Now since we have been here, two floods, one scare, and this today which falls under the "I Don't Know What" heading.

Also. You silly chicken booties! You are not sharing your fav-o-riffic words?! Whyever not?! I warn you, there is more to come!

UPDATE 11:50pm EDT Rawther interesting occurences going on. The flooding? As usual caused by groundwater. However, I did neglect to mention that there was quite a large lagoon one block over which I do believe is accelerating the flooding of our back gardens. But right now there is quite a large contingent of fire trucks, apparently trying to pump the bloody thing away. It looks as if our back garden is less flooded, but I can't be sure. What I wonder is, were the city officials even aware of this lagoon? I've never seen it form before. So far, everything is all right. I do believe I'll get back to bed and actually sleep. After, of course, I watch the action. Oh. And check the river gauge heights. Geh.


Listening to : The effing rain

Thinking: Well at least it usually isn't more than USD 10,000 in a big flood...

Overheard : Many avian comments on the weather.

Cavalry - Apache

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